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Guided Trophy Cow Oryx Hunt in New Mexico
Hunt Any 2 Available Days in the 2023-2024 Season
575 ENTRIES SOLD AS OF 5/30 @ 10pm MST

DRAWING WAS HELD ON MAY 31, 2023 @ 10am

2 Day Guided Trophy Cow Oryx Hunt Free Range on 362,000 acre Private Ranch In New Mexico 




Trophy Oryx Hunt Free Range on 362,000 acre Private Ranch for a Trophy Cow Oryx In New Mexico Hunt Dates: June 1st, 2023 to March 31st 2024 Any 2 Days that the guide has available. The hunt will take place on the world famous Armendaris Ranch Hunts are all fair chase & Free Range (not high fenced) Conducted on over 362,000 acres of private ranch land near Truth or Consequences, NM  No Draw Required – Private Land Oryx Permits / Over the Counter Dates available for Oryx Hunts – Schedule anytime June 1st, 2023 through March 31st, 2024 – Hunt any month of the year!  If you have ever dreamed of hunting and harvesting a Free Ranging Oryx (Gemsbok), Now is your chance without having to Fly to Africa or hunt a High Fence Ranch. Oryx were introduced to New Mexico in 1962 and then transplanted to the White Sands Missile Range where a herd of 3,000 -5,000 Oryx reside both on range and off range. The 362,000 acre Armendaris Ranch lies directly west of White Sands Missile Range and hold a Robust population of Oryx. This vast 362,885-acre ranch lies in south central New Mexico along the Rio Grande River. The vegetation is Chihuahuan and semi-desert grasslands with cottonwood, willow and salt cedar riparian along the river. The Fra Cristobal Mountain range is home to a successfully reintroduced and subsequently delisted desert bighorn sheep population Other species on the ranch include bison, pronghorn, desert mule deer, mountain lion, javelin. The lava tubes of Jornada lava field is the summer home for one of the largest bat populations in North America. Both sexes have horns that can grow 42 inches in length, with a few extraordinary trophies exceeding the 42” length. Males’ horns usually are heavier with more pronounced ridges on the lower half of the horn, while females’ horns tend to be thinner but longer horns. 


Hunt Includes:


  1 Trophy Cow Oryx o Trophy Mature Cow - Hunter’s Choice, With Guides Assistance o Cow Oryx Have thinner Horns than do Bull’s. But more often than not have Horns that are several inches longer than the bulls. o Cows with 42” long or longer horns have been harvested o Longer horns are more impressive on an Oryx, Cows with the longer horns are often mistaken for Bulls. o The longer horned Cows are often more sought after for this reason.  1 Private land Oryx Permits, one for the Trophy Cow Oryx  1 on 1 Guide service while on ranch property  Guide will provide snacks, lunch and beverages while in the field  Transportation while on the ranch during the hunt  Field care along with skinning and transportation prep of animal  3 - day hunts -spot & stalk / truck – Hunters will see multiple Oryx each day hunted with multiple opportunities. (most will harvest the first day)  Can be upgraded to a Bull Oryx for additional fee with Guide while on the hunt. 


NOT Included:


 Lodging and meals Not Included  Accommodations,

Most hunters stay in Truth or Consequences (approximate 30 min drive to property) Several hotels and restaurants are located in Truth or Consequences

Transportation to and from hunting area Not Included

Gratuities (customary based on hunt Value 10-15%) Items of Personal Nature  Game Hunting License (Resident $15) (Non-Resident $65),Habitat Stamp $10 (same for both Residents & Non-Residents, Habitat Management & Access Validation $4 (same for both Residents & Non-Residents.

New Mexico Game and Fish Oryx License. (Resident $160) (Non-Resident $1,623) o Information and License costs are available at o chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/   Licenses can be purchased on line at Or at any dealer (sporting goods store, Walmart, Etc.) Do not purchase Licenses / permits until just prior to hunt dates – licenses are nonrefundable - licenses can be purchased just prior to hunt dates. Contact DSCNM or Del Re Expeditions for details.  


Wound / Loss Policy is strictly enforced – any wounded animal is considered a harvest, Guide will give their best effort to recover a wounded animal, however another animal will not be allowed without additional fees Hunt is considered complete after harvest and trophy care of both Oryx.  


DSCNM would like to Thank Joe for MAKING THIS DREAM Hunt Available. Come join us for the best hunt of your life! Value $6,500  ** Please note that this hunt may not be sold, transferred, or assigned to another party without the express written permission of Del Re Outdoor Expeditions and DALLAS SAFARI CLUB NEW MEXICO.

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DSC New Mexico    |    PO Box 5307    |    Farmington, NM 87499    |

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